After the fall …

Almost six months ago, we were hit by a hacker who forced his links to pharmacuticals into our website(s).
While some of our websites were able to be brought back live quickly, others such as this one were not so lucky. The previous version of had elements that dated to 1996. It was all built on HTML with Javascript, JAVA, and PHP elements tagged on. It started life as a site under an ISP’s domain (remember those?), and then moved to another domain, and finally was moved to its own domain. In fact, the site was a pretty good example of the growth of technology on the internet and the world wide web.
We have been trying to update this site for some time to a WordPress platform. However, it just wasn’t a priority and it involved a great deal of energy and time that was better spent earning money. So it just never got finished.
Unfortunately, if we resurrected the existing site, we would have resurrected the existing security vulnerabilities. So we’ve bitten the bullet and completely revised the website.
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As a result, many of our pages are not available with the initial release of the new site. Many of them will appear over the next few months. Others have been permanently retired. And of course, when doing a site of this complexity under extreme time pressures mistakes are inevitable.
If you find a link that doesn’t work, a word that is misspelled, or a page you really need that isn’t available right this minute, please let us know. We’ll do our best to get the information to you as fast as possible.
The frustrating thing to all this? These idiots don’t realize that Google (and anyone who takes a feed from Google) gleamed onto their antics long ago. If our ISP hadn’t taken our sites down, Google would have. And they would have banned the linked sites. So this activity does the hackers no good whatsoever. All it does it create work for the poor person trying to eak out a living from his/her website.